It has been a while my lovelies and i missed you but we are back with another word from the Lord.Growing up, I personally dealt with the spirit of rejection and from that grew a strong desire to be validated by others. This didn't help when i finally joined High school and was placed in a boarding school. Being the only mixed kid or light skinned girl, I got a lot of attention and because of this attention, I remember being in situations where i was openly talked about by girls i slept in the same dorm with. They would speak in Luganda in front of me, thinking i didn't understand but i knew what they were talking about.This went on for a year. There was so much tension that it felt overwhelming as well as frustrating but my desire to be seen , loved and heard by the other people was greater that I accepted what was being said about me in my vicinity because i didn't want to be alone but also because it felt so hard to break. I think of Romans 8: 28 which says
"And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose".
There's a lot of times we do not have our why and we can't help but ask "why me?" where it feels too painful with no way out and we feel cornered, like it's a little too hard to breathe. This verse says that IN ALL THINGS He works it all for our good. When i look back, i see how I was sustained but also how He kept me but honestly in the midst, it's hard to believe. So I'll let you know this, HE WILL SUSTAIN YOU AND CAN SUSTAIN YOU.
I've heard the question, "Well, if He is so good why does He allow bad things to happen to good people?" Mark 10: 18 says '"Why do you call me good?” Jesus answered. “No one is good—except God alone." So if Jesus could not even claim the word of good then we are unworthy of saying we are good but does that mean God allows things to happen because we are not good but wicked? The Bible has multiple stories of how the Lord punished people for their sinful ways including the israelites who were His people but it also speaks of how He saved them after; how He used what He allowed to punish them to bring them back and remind them that He would be with them as long as they stayed faithful.
That doesn't mean that this is why we go through painful situations. The world is broken and hurting and a lot of times the broken pieces of others cut deep into us to causing more hurt BUT in Jesus we have hope. This week brought up those high school memories because it was somehow similar but I saw through my interactions how the Lord was growing me because my first thought was help me love more help me be more Christ like rather than allowing my feelings to overwhelm me because of how frustrated i was because on my sinful nature. I saw how the Lord gave me the strength to keep going because i relied on His strength not mine throughout the week.
I love 2 Corinthians 12: 9 which says "But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." Our weaknesses reveal His strength and power, so do our circumstances. I have seen the glory of the Lord move through situations that i had no hope in and I am reminded of His power and How there is nothing He can not do. Can He heal you or change that relationship? Most definitely. But will He? I don't know.
Isaiah 46: 4 says "Even to your old age and gray hairs ,I am He, I am He who will sustain you.I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you."
However your circumstance ends, the Lord promises to carry you through even if you don't believe it His word says so and so it must be so. So what do we do when we can't seem to trust?
- Pray.We ask that He in His great mercy would help us trust in Him and believe that He will carry us through. Mountains can be moved through faith. Pray that the Lord will deepen your faith.
- Do not lean on your own understanding. We might never get an answer for why things happen .It can be tough but lean on His character and believe that He not only has better for you but as romans 8:28 says He will work all things for your good.
Heavenly Father. Right now it feels hard and frustrating but I want to trust that as your word says you will sustain me. That the love you have for me will carry me through this circumstance. Deepen my faith and lean on you your understanding that even in the searching of my why help me trust that all you do is for me. Help me be more dependent on you Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.